Fiction: Children's Stories
"Engaging and delightful, for children and adults both...."
The Books
Blossom is a tabby cat that lives on Tulip Drive with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher and daughter Willow. Blossom has good intentions, but Mrs. Hatcher does not appreciate missing buttons from her chairs, china plates crashing to the floor or frog feet floating in the baby shower punch. Blossom tries to do the right thing but winning Mrs. Hatcher’s approval is harder than catching her own tail.

Blossom tries so hard to be good.....
The Author
Sue Wilson took a children’s writing course in 2005 with the intention of writing children’s storybooks. Instead, her final assignment was a chapter book about a cat named Blossom. She’s been writing about Blossom ever since. Sue is currently posting short stories to blossomsblogs.com. Before retirement, she worked for 26 years at Target’s corporate headquarters. She currently lives with her husband in Maple Grove, Minnesota. They have three adult daughters, all living in Minneapolis.