Memoir and Biography
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Daughter #5: The Baby of the Family
by Genny Zak Kieley
Things were going good on the farm. The crops were producing and the chickens were laying. The kids were enrolled in a one room school in the nearest town and the older ones attended high school in the bigger town of Little Falls. What a perfect spot to be. The beauty of Sullivan Lake in the backyard and the Mud River winding around the fields.
But then everything changed. The family was rushed away to Minneapolis to fin their father had died. This new way of life and moving away from the farm would be difficult. Their mom was left with almost nothing except a mortgage and a huge brood of kids. Could they survive? A heartwarming story of adventures, love and a family pulling together.
Bait Store Angel and Other Stories
by Genny Zak Kieley
Bait Store Angel is a collection of slice of life stories told with heart and humor; each with an unexpected twist. The stories center around three themes--childhood memories of growing up in an old fashioned urban neighborhood, empty nest jobs, and marrying a fisherman and adjusting to a new way of life in the suburbs.
We live in such a busy world. This book includes short pieces that are easy to read; thought provoking with a soothing current of life and universal themes. Evocative stories draw you in and captivate you. This author writes about ordinary life--but it becomes so much more than ordinary.
The Path that Shines
by Chris R. Powell
Dr. Powell's late wife Bonnie suffered from a dozen medical conditions so serious they required specialists of whom you would not want to meet one, let alone a dozen. Her last year was marked by a level of pain and agony that was gut-wrenching for her family, friends, and caregivers to live through and witness.
Yet, through this time, Bonnie remained remarkably upbeat and strong, doing her best to mother their daughter and always thinking of others, following a spiritual path that truly shone. She left a legacy of faith, love, strength, humor, and spirit that transcended her suffering in life, leaving an example for many.
This book is a memoir of that strength and a guide for dealing with complex medical conditions and the associated struggle. People who find this story compelling range from those suffering their own serious struggles in life, to medical doctors and students, therapists, pastors, and anyone looking for hope and blessing in the face of the very worst a human body can endure.