Fiction: Without Words
"Shadow is a fascinating character...and knowing that every story stems from real life only makes this a more fascinating story..."
Lisa Gurine
The Books
It's amazing what people will tell you when you don't speak yourself. Shadown, an orphan who attached herself to an immigrant family on a boat to America in 1881, suffered an unknown trauma that left her mute. As a child and as a young woman, she becomes an integral part of her South Dakota prairie community.
Secrets, quirks of character, and personal tragedies are all safe with Shadow, who provides wordless, non-judgmental support to the fascinating characters who move in and out of her life.
Shadow's perspective, written as her life, wanes, immerses readers in the heartwarming and heart-wrenching experiences of the brave, noble, and not-so-noble immigrants who struggled to establish a foothold on the harsh prairie. Eventually, Shadow comes to under stand that life without words is not a life without significance.
The Author
Lisa Gurine wrote business communications for more than twenty years before moving to fiction. She comes from a long line of storytellers and for most of her life has channeled her creative energy into re-telling and embellishing her family's history. Without Words grew from the seeds of her own ancestors' lives as South Dakota immigrants.
Lisa resides in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, with her husband of more than thirty years. Her passion for cross-cultural understanding led her to volunteer with an international high school exchange program. She and her husband have hosted six foreign exchange students at their home and have engaged with many more. Her favorite pasttimes include international travel, volunteering with her church, and honing her writing skills with her Night Writers critique partners.
The Links
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