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Fiction, Biography, Faith and Inspiration, Paranormal

" entertaining read that keeps you turning the pages ...."

John Stanton

The Books

The Books

John Stanton’s novels take readers to unexpected places. His first novel, The Truth about UFOs, Aliens and All That is a dream-like story of UFO abduction that twists from funny to frightening. In 2012, he released The Lone Star Used Submarine Co, a fun, nautical adventure following a group of friends from Texas on the run in a stolen Cuban submarine.


His body of work is marked by surrealism, humor, and excitement, including a genre he calls ‘paranormal comedies.’


John has been in the scuba diving business for 20 years and draws upon his experiences scuba diving under ice, and in shipwrecks and caverns, to weave a sense of adventure into his stories. His eclectic writings have something for everyone.


The Author

The Author

John Stanton grew up in Texas and his first published article appeared in Skin Diver Magazine in 1986. He enjoys all types of writing and has written everything from scuba diving technical manuals to poetry to science fiction.

The Links

The Links
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What you will find at John's sites:


Homepage: More information about the books and appearances


Facebook: Updated on a regular cycle of about once every two years


Youtube: Book trailers and diving videos


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